IIHS is an intermoda boarding school, where education is offered in an integrated method. What is education with an integrated method? It is an education which has the following elements:
1. A well-structured schedule that allows efficient and effective teaching
2. Pleasant school atmosphere
3. An integrated education system
With Intermoda boarding school system, there are three languages of instruction in teaching and learning which are English, Arabic, and Bahasa. Students can go home once a month in the last week of the month. Parents are allowed to visit every Sunday in accordance with the time allowed.
IIHS main difference with other schools
1. Education based on the Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW;
2. Intermoda boarding school located in the heart of Jakarta;
3. Comprehensive education with 5 education pillars: language, academic excellence, Islamic study, interpersonal skills and overseas programs;
4. Lessons given in English, Arabic and Bahasa.
Build an international Islamic education based on the Quran and Sunnah Rasul SAW to uphold human existence as Khalifatullah Fil-Ardh.
Building human with Akhlaq-Ul-Karimah, Siddiq, Amanah, Talbligh, Fathanah, Syaja’ah and able to carry Islam as a religion of mercy for the universe, Lillaahi Ta’aala.
Address: Palma One Building 4th Floor, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Sahid. Jakarta Indonesia
Phone: 021-5274031 (hunting)
E-Mail: info@iiec-edu.com
Web: www.sma-iihs.sch.id
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