University of Toronto Scholarships

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University of Toronto Scholarships

Scholarship Sorter

Use this sorter to research scholarships available to University of Toronto applicants and students. Select the type of award you are interested in learning about. Applicants should look at the Admission Scholarships for undergraduate students. Current students should look at awards for undergraduate or graduate students, depending on which scenario suits your needs.

All Awards

Use this filter to determine the type of award you are interested in: Admission Scholarship, Grant, Bursary, etc. In general, awards with these titles are awards offered by the University of Toronto. The entries listed as “Admission Scholarship” are, generally, University of Toronto awards, while those listed as “Scholarship for Current Students” may be University of Toronto awards or external awards the University wishes to bring to your attention.

All Actions

Use this filter to determine which awards require an application, which are automatic consideration and which require you to create an Awards Profile at

All Availabilities

Use this filter to determine awards for domestic or international students. .

All Study Levels

Use this filter to determine who can receive the award. Most awards are divided between Undergraduate and Graduate Awards with some open to all students.

Official Information

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Latest Scholarships Information :: Artikel Beasiswa Terbaru

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