Chinese University of Hong Kong Scholarships

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Founded in 1963, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a forward-looking comprehensive research university with a global vision and a mission to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West. CUHK teachers and students hail from all around the world. CUHK graduates are connected worldwide through an extensive alumni network.

As a top university in Hong Kong and Asia, CUHK aims to nurture students with both specialized knowledge and wisdom for life. The education experience here is distinguished by a flexible credit unit system, a college system, bilingualism and multiculturalism. There are general education courses to broaden students’ perspectives and develop in them the ability to face the challenges of contemporary society. Our eight Faculties offer a wide array of excellent undergraduate and postgraduate programmes read more


CUHK offers admission scholarships to both local and non-local new undergraduate students on the basis of their outstanding academic or non-academic performance. There is no need for the students to apply for these scholarships. The University will identify qualified new students and inform the selected students of the scholarship offers.

The value of each Admission Scholarship ranges from HK$5,000 to a full-tuition coverage. Some of the Admission Scholarships will also include an allowance of up to HK$45,000 per year. Many of the Admission Scholarships are renewable for the normative period of study programme subject to satisfactory academic progress.

Students who have attained the qualifications as stipulated below will be eligible for Admission Scholarships.

(I) For Local Students

  1. JUPAS
    Outstanding students admitted to the University on the basis of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) results.
  2. Non-JUPAS
    Non-JUPAS local students with outstanding results in GCE A-Level/ IB Diploma/ SAT/ OSSD/ B.C. Diploma or equivalent/ ATAR/ Taiwan GSAT/ Cambridge Pre-U examinations, etc.

(II) For Non-local Students   

  1. Students from the Mainland China
    Non-local students from the Mainland China with outstanding Gaokao results.
  2. Students from other regions
    Non-local students from other regions with outstanding academic achievements.

HKSAR Government Scholarship  

To attract outstanding local students to advance their studies locally and meritorious non-local students to pursue higher education opportunities in Hong Kong, the Government established the HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund in 2008 to give due recognition to outstanding local and non-local students.

The amount of HKSAR Government Scholarship is HK$40,000 per year for local students and HK$80,000 per year for non-local students.

Targeted Scholarship  

Starting from the academic year 2012/13, the HKSAR Government offers up to ten scholarships to non-local full-time students from ASEAN countries, India and Korea to pursue publicly-funded degree programmes in Hong Kong.

The Targeted Scholarship will cover full tuition fee of the awardees starting from the academic year 2018/19.

Belt and Road Scholarship  

To attract more outstanding students from countries/regions along the Belt and Road (B&R) to pursue full-time undergraduate studies in Hong Kong, Belt and Road Scholarship has been offered by the HKSAR Government to new students from the B&R Region since the academic year 2016/17.

The Belt and Road Scholarship will cover the tuition fees of the awardees. A Bursary of HK$50,000 per annum will also be provided to students with financial need under specific schemes.

The Scholarship is now open for Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, and will be expanded to other countries along the B&R regions by phases.

For details of the Belt and Road Scholarship, please click here.

CUHK will nominate first-year undergraduate students to the Education Bureau for the HKSAR Government Scholarship, Targeted Scholarship and Belt and Road Scholarship. Separate applications for these scholarships are not required.

Exchange Scholarships Awarded on Admission 

Exceptionally outstanding new students may be awarded a University Exchange Scholarship in addition to the Admission Scholarship.

Sports Scholarships  

Sports scholarships are available for both JUPAS and Non-JUPAS (local) students. Students with outstanding sports achievements will be awarded a sports scholarship of HK$10,000 to HK$50,000 for a maximum tenure of 5 years and a guaranteed hostel place in the first year and is renewable based on annual assessment. For details, please visit the website of the Physical Education Unit at

Honours at Entrance 

Students who are admitted to the University with outstanding academic achievements will be awarded Honours at Entrance. The award, which does not carry monetary value, will be recorded in the official academic transcripts of the students.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) offers a number of University Admission Scholarships to outstanding local students admitted on the basis of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) results. To be eligible for the University Admission Scholarships, local JUPAS students should have obtained Level 5** in at least 2 HKDSE subjects. The amounts of University Admission Scholarships for local JUPAS students range from a minimum one-off amount of HK$5,000 to over HK$400,000 by instalments covering tuition fees and study allowance tenable for the normative study period of the programme, as well as funds for an outgoing exchange or overseas learning activity.

HKDSE Result Coverage of University Admission Scholarship^
Level 5** in 6 or more subjects
  • Renewable full-tuition scholarship of HK$42,100 per annum, tenable for the normative study period of the programme subject to satisfactory academic performance;
  • Renewable annual allowance of HK$20,000, tenable for the normative study period of the programme subject to satisfactory academic performance;
  • One-off amount of HK$30,000 for an outgoing exchange or overseas learning activity; and
  • Honours at Entrance #
Level 5** in 5 subjects
  • Renewable half-tuition scholarship of HK$21,050 per annum, tenable for the normative study period of the programme subject to satisfactory academic performance;
  • One-off amount of HK$10,000 for an outgoing exchange or overseas learning activity; and
  • Honours at Entrance #
Level 5** in 4 subjects
  • Non-renewable half-tuition scholarship of HK$21,050;
  • One-off amount of HK$10,000 for an outgoing exchange or overseas learning activity; and
  • Honours at Entrance #
Level 5** in 3 subjects
  • Non-renewable scholarship of HK$10,000;
  • One-off amount of HK$10,000 for an outgoing exchange or overseas learning activity; and
  • Honours at Entrance #
Level 5** in 2 subjects
  • Non-renewable scholarship of HK$5,000

^ The Admission Scholarships are supported by the funding of the University or its constituent Colleges.
# “Honours at Entrance” is a non-monetary honour to be recorded in the official transcript of the student.

Apart from the University Admission Scholarships, top-up scholarships are also offered by our Colleges and Faculties. There are other different kinds of awards available to students such as services and creativity awards, scholarships for students with special educational needs, scholarships for student exchange and internship, and many others awarded on the basis of academic or non-academic performance.

For the academic year 2016-17, the University as a whole granted over 8,700 scholarships and prizes totaling more than HK$180 million to students of different study disciplines. Students can browse the CUHK Calendar for the list of awards available for reference.

Most of the University scholarships/ awards are granted on the basis of academic merit. Yet other criteria such as leadership, personal qualities, financial need as well as records of extra-curricular activities and community services may also be taken into consideration.

Many of the scholarship recipients are nominated by Faculties / Schools / Departments or other relevant offices of the University, subject to the final selection / approval by the donors. On the other hand, some scholarships are open to students for application. Announcement of such scholarships will be posted under Open for Applications on this website. CUHK students are advised to visit this section from time to time for the scholarships/awards which fit their needs.

Colleges also administer their own scholarships, and students may check with their respective Colleges for further details.

Our Office also makes announcement and invite applications for scholarships/awards which are designated for overseas studies. In addition to tuition fees, some overseas scholarships also cover living expenses during the course of study and the return airfare.

Latest information on scholarships for overseas studies will be posted under Open for Applications on this website. CUHK students and alumni are advised to visit this section from time to time for scholarships which fit their needs.

The following lists (PDF) summarizing the overseas scholarships/awards which were available for application within the period between 1 August 2017 and 31 July 2018 are for reference only.

Short-term overseas studies (for Undergraduates only) / Cultural studies / Other Learning Activities

Colleges and the Office of Academic Links also provide exchange and overseas scholarships. Students may contact these Offices for information.



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