To be the leading school which develops the students’ uniqueness to create leaders who possess Islamic character and take part to manifest civil society.
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
May Allah’s Peace, Mercy, and Blessings be upon all of you. Warm greetings everyone!
I am honored to welcome you as the family member of our revered educational institution “Sekolah Insan Cendekia Madani.” It is the right place for you all to have your children be educated, modeled and given feedback as the ways of learning applied to our school, to reach the most potentials in academic and Islamic characters development, insyaaAllah.
I put a lot of emphasizes on the aspects mentioned above. Since our Prophet Muhammad SAW (Peace Be Upon Him) teaches us, that we need to get ourselves educated, we need to seek knowledge, the knowledge of wisdom and truth, as He, once received the first word of Allah; “IQRA.” He then said “TALAB UL ILMU FARIZATUN ALA KULLI MUSLIM.” Acquiring knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim both male and female.
So here I am right now as the President Director with the mission to empower everyone in the school. I encourage all the teachers and the students, to be lifelong learners, who can recognize the potentials within; characters and academically. Be further developed in a secure, caring, and stimulating environment in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially facilitated by whole-heartedly committed teachers since we believe that each student is a unique individual. Above all, the most critical point that I would like to highlight is how we should address the Islamic characters development of all students by utilizing all learning activities our school as designed. I am confident with the consistent application in our daily life at class; students will have more significant advantages in the long run due to the high academic competences equipped with real Islamic characters which result in promoting them to be the fully competent person we dream.
Finally, by saying Basmallah, let’s work hand in hand collaboratively to further support our school in creating future leaders. Thank you.
Salaam, Muhammad Ahfat Faishal, President Director

To be the leading school which develops the students’ uniqueness to create leaders who possess Islamic character and take part to manifest civil society.
- To develop students with Islamic leader characteristics who can contribute to others and their society.
- To develop students who are able to read, memorize, understand, worship and behave according to the Qu’ran and Assunnah.
- To develop students who realize their potential and are able to exploit those potentials.
- To organize a global school that nurture students who think scientifically, creative, innovative and are problem solvers.
- To create an academic community as an embodiment (role-model) of a civil society.
- To use financial resources that are halal and Thayyib.
- To provide the best service to stakeholders; teachers / staff, students, parents / guardians and community.
- To work hard, sincere, intelligently and thoroughly.
- To lead by example, love and affection.
- Learners who are open to new knowledge and bring benefits to human kind and universe.
Graduation Requirements
- Possess the Islamic characters.
- Read, memorize, understand and practice Al-Qur’an and As-Sunnah.
- Complete the academic and non-academic target and the requirements.
- Find, recognize, develop and actualize his/her own potentials/uniqueness.
- Communicate in Indonesian and foreign languages(Arabic, English, French/Germany).
- Do research based activities in accordance with the learning levels.
Academic Program
Insan Cendekia Madani Kindergarten Program uses Madani Curriculum that integrated with Islamic, National and Global curriculum to deliver dynamic, appropriate and academic experiences.
Primary School
Insan Cendekia Madani Primary School uses Madani Curriculum that integrates Islamic, National and Global curriculum to deliver dynamic, appropriate and academic experiences.
Middle School
Insan Cendekia Madani Middle School uses Madani Curriculum which integrates National Curriculum 2013 (K-13), Cambridge Curriculum for Math, English, Science, Islamic and Qur’anic subjects
High School
Insan Cendekia Madani high school uses Madani Curriculum which integrates National Curriculum 2013 (K-13), Cambridge Curriculum for Math, English, Science, Islamic and Qur’anic
Insan Cendekia Madani School
- Jl Ciater Gg H Amat, Serpong Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
- Email :
- Phone : +6221 7587 6564
- Website :
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