Pondok Pesantren Terbaik di Bekasi

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Santri (Siswa) IIBS Bekasi  

Berikut ini beberapa pondok pesantren terbaik dan terpopuler yang ada di Bekasi.

1. International Islamic Boarding School, Bekasi 

IIBS has an excellent and brilliant vision to run the best education as the home for young generations to dig up the knowledge for them since they will be Indonesian future leaders in politics as politicians, in economics as economist and even in social and culture.

As wise word says “ All bird need nest but not all nests for bird” it means that the best quality production is produced by the the best producer, therefore, to get the best quality generation, there must be the best school , the best teacher or educator, the best facilities, the best religion atmosphere in the world of the best education system,in brief, IIBS integrates the best thing in running and managing education system, in brief, IIBS integrates the best thing in running and managing education either from the view of input level, proces or output. Selengkapnya…

Artikel Pilihan : 100 Pondok Pesantren Terbaik di Indonesia A-Z

2. Al Ma’had, Bekasi  


Pesantren AL-MA’HAD adalah Sekolah Islam “The Islamic Boarding School” dengan model pendidikan pesantren, dimulai dari jenjang pendidikan SD s/d SMA yang berstatus terakreditasi “A”.

Visi (Cita-cita dalam jangkauan jauh ke depan) : Terwujudnya Al-Ma’had sebagai Ruuh dari setiap Madiinatus-Sunnah dalam Skala Nasional maupun Internasional Selengkapnya…

Artikel pilihan : 22 Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Dengan Beasiswa Ikatan Dinas

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