List of Surah

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Fatihah (The Opening)

Al Baqarah (The Cow)

Al Imran (The Family Of Imran)

Nisaa’ (Women)

Maa-‘idah (The Table Spread)

An-‘aam (Cattle)

A’-raaf (The Heights)

Anfaal (Spoils of War)

Tawbah (Repentance)

Yunus (Jonah)

Hud (Hud)

Yusuf (Joseph)

Ra’d (The Thunder)

Ibraahim (Abraham)

Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract)

Nahl (The Bee)

Bani-‘Is-raa-‘iil (The Children of ‘Israel)

Kahf (The Cave)

Maryam (Mary)

Taa-Haa (Ta-Ha)

A’mbiyaaa’ (The Prophets)

Hajj (The Pilgrimage)

Mu’-minuun (The Believers)

Nuur (Light)

Furqaan (The Criterion of Right and Wrong)

Shu-‘araa’ (The Poets)

Naml (The Ant)

Qasas (The Story)

Ankabuut (The Spider)

Ruum (Romans)

Luqmaan (Luqman)

Sajdah (The Prostration)

Ahzaab (The Clans)

Saba’ (Saba)

Faatir (The Angels)

Ya-Seen (Ya Sin)

Saaffaat (Those Who Set The Ranks)

Saad (Saad)

Zumar (The Troops)

Mu’min (The Believer)

Fussilat (They are Expounded)

Shuurah (Counsel)

Zukhruf (Ornaments of Gold)

Dukhaan (Smoke)

Jaasiyah (Crouching)

Ahqaaf (The Wind-Curved Sandhills)

Muhammad (Muhammad)

Fat-h (Victory)

Hujuraat (The Private Apartments)

Qaaf (Qaf)

Zaarayaat (The Winnowing Winds)

Tuur (The Mount)

Najm (The Star)

Qamar (The Moon)

Rahmaan (The Benficent)

Waaqi-‘ah (The Event)

Hadiid (Iron)

Majaadalah (She That Disputeth)

Hashr (Exile)

Mumtahanah (She That Is To Be Examined)

Saff (The Ranks)

Jumu-‘ah (The Congregation)

Munaafiqun (The Hypocrites)

Tagaabun (Mutual Disillusion)

Talaaq (Divorce)

Tahriim (Banning)

Mulk (The Sovereignty)

Qalam (The Pen)

Haaqqah (The Reality)

Ma-‘aarij (The Asending Stairways)

Nuuh (Noah)

Jinn (The Jinn)

Muzzammil (The Enshrouded One)

Muddassir (The Cloaked One)

Qiyaamah (The Rising of the Dead)

Insaan or Dahr (Time or Man)

Mursalaat (The Emissaries)

Naba’ (The Tidings)

Naazi-‘aat (Those Who Drag Forth)

Abasa (He Frowned)

Takwiir (The Overthrowing)

Infitaar (The Cleaving)

Tatfiif (Defrauding)

Inshiqaaq (The Sundering)

Buruuj (The Mansions of the Stars)

Taariq (The Morning Star)

A’-laa (The Most High)

Gaashiyah (The Overwhelming)

Fajr (The Dawn)

Balad (The City)

Shams (The Sun)

Layl (The Night)

Duhaa (The Morning Hours)

Inshiraah (Solace)

Tiin (The Fig)

Alaq (The Cloth)

Qadr (Power)

Bayyinah (The Clear Proof)

Zilzaal (The Earthquake)

Aadi-yaat (The Coursers)

Al-Qaari-‘ah (The Calamity)

Takaasur (Rivalry in Worldly Increase)

Asr (The Declining Day)

Humazah (The Traducer)

Fil (The Elephant)

Quraysh (‘Winter’ or ‘Qureysh’)

Maa-‘uun (Small Kindness)

Kawsar (Abundance)

Kaafiruun (The Disbelievers)

Nasr (Divine Support)

Lahab (Palm Fibre)

‘Ikhlaas (Sincerity)

Al Falaq (The Daybreak)

An Naas (Mankind) 

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