Getting to Know our Creator : The Divine Solicitude for Creation & His Making the Earth an Abode for Mankind

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Getting to Know our Creator : The Divine Solicitude for Creation & His Making the Earth an Abode for Mankind

Discovering the Truth

Allah has shown his special concern for creation by fashioning it in a way that not only indicates that He is the supreme creator and designer, but also that it has been made as an abode wherein we may live. The way He has created it with organization, balance and wisdom should propel us to believe in Him and love Him.

6. Have We not made the earth as a bed,
7. And the mountains as pegs?
8. And We have created you in pairs.
9. And We have made your sleep as a thing for rest.
10. And We have made the night as a covering.
11. And We have made the day for livelihood.
12. And We have built above you seven strong (heavens).
13. And We have made (therein) a shining lamp (sun).
14. And We have sent down from the clouds abundant water.
15. That We may produce from it corn and vegetation.
16. And gardens of thick growth. [Quran 78: 6-16]

61. Blessed be He Who has placed in the heaven big stars, and has placed therein a great lamp (sun), and a moon giving light.
62. And He Who has put the night and the day in succession, for such who desires to remember or desires to show his gratitude. [Quran 25: 61-62]

5. So let the human see from what he is created!

6. He is created from a water gushing forth.

7. Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs. [Quran 86: 5-7]

10. He it is Who sends down water from the sky; from it you drink and from it (grows) the vegetation on which you send your cattle to pasture.

11. With it He causes to grow for you the crops, the olives, the date-palms, the grapes, and every kind of fruit. Indeed, in this is an evident proof and a manifest sign for people who give thought.

12. And He has subjected to you the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; and the stars are subjected by His Command. Surely, in this are proofs for people who understand.

13. And whatsoever He has created for you on the earth of different colours. Indeed, in this is a sign for people Who remember.

14. And He it is Who has subjected the sea (to you), that you eat thereof fresh tender meat (i.e. fish), and that you bring forth out of it ornaments to wear. And you see the ships ploughing through it, that you may seek (thus) of His Bounty (by transporting the goods from place to place) and that you may be grateful.

15. And He has affixed into the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and rivers and roads, that you may guide yourselves.

16. And landmarks (signposts during the day) and by the stars (during the night), they (mankind) guide themselves.

17. Is then He, Who creates as one who creates not? Will you not then remember?

18. And if you would count the favours of Allah, never could you be able to count them. Truly! Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [Quran 16: 10-18]

65. See you not that Allah has subjected to you all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by His Command? He withholds the heaven from falling on the earth except by His Leave. Verily, Allah is, for mankind, Full of Kindness, Most Merciful. [Quran 22: 65]

20. See you not that Allah has subjected for you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, and has completed and perfected His Graces upon you, (both) apparent and hidden? Yet of mankind is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge or guidance or a Book giving light! [Quran 31: 20]

10. Who has made for you the earth like a bed, and has made for you roads therein, in order that you may find your way.

11. And Who sends down water from the sky in due measure, then We revive a dead land therewith, and even so you will be brought forth (from the graves).

12. And Who has created all the pairs and has appointed for you ships and cattle on which you ride:

13. In order that you may mount on their backs, and then may remember the Favour of your Lord when you mount thereon, and say: “Glory to Him Who has subjected this to us, and we could never have it (by our efforts). [Quran 43: 10-13]

12. Allah, it is He Who has subjected to you the sea, that ships may sail through it by His Command, and that you may seek of His Bounty, and that you may be thankful. [Quran 45: 12]

79. Do they not see the birds held (flying) in the midst of the sky? None holds them but Allah. Verily, in this are clear signs for people who believe. [Quran 16: 79]

6. Have We not made the earth as a bed?

7. And the mountains as pegs?

8. And We have created you in pairs.

9. And We have made your sleep as a thing for rest.

10. And We have made the night as a covering (through its darkness).

11. And We have made the day for livelihood.

12. And We have built above you seven strong (heavens).

13. And We have made (therein) a shining lamp (sun).

14. And We have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water.

15. That We may produce therewith corn and vegetations.

16. And gardens of thick growth. [Quran 78: 6-16]

Author : Hamad Saleh AL-Hoqail 

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